your website title

place for your slogan

Version info:

v2.0 - June 01, 2010

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If you find this template useful, don't forget to visit my website for more templates and for tips and tools that may be useful for building your own website!

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andreas07 v2.0

the simple solutions can be the sweetest

presenting: andreas07 in a new way!

Hello and thank you for your interest in this template! Before you jump to any conclusions about it, please me explain the story behind it. This template is not like my others, it is a little bit special...

image example

First of all, this design was originally made by request from a friend who arrange html/css classes for beginners. He asked me to create a design that was "so simple that even [his] grandmother would be able to use it", and he wanted to use the design as an example in his classes. The template needed to match a number of special requests as for functionality and coding style for the classes. The content had to be separated from the presentation, and every part of the design had to be made in way that would be easy to understand - and easy learn from. No advanced tricks, and minimal use of IDs and .classes in the stylesheet. A fixed position site menu and some neutral images were also asked for.

I couldn't resist a challenge like that, and the first version was released in the end of 2005. The template became quite popular and it ended up being used in many other web design educations - including in university classes and high schools in several countries. But as time passed, the fixed menu started feeling more annoying than useful so I wanted to remove it. I also wanted to add an optional third column to the right of the main content since I had got lots of support requests about that. Now I have made those changes and a number of other detail updates, and here is the new version: andreas07 v2.0, released in July 2008!

the main priorities

Unlike the first version of the andreas07 template, v2.0 a little bit more generic since it is no longer made for one special education. But the template is still perfectly suitable for web design studies if wanted. Here are the priorities I've had in mind for the updated version:

and a few notes:

This is a free website template. It can be used in any way wanted by anyone, and there are no limitations or obligations for using this template. Commercial use is perfectly OK, credits are appreciated but not a requirement.

The example image shows a violet flower, and it was made by myself using one of my own photos. You have my full permission to use the image in any way you want to. However, I recommend that you replace it with something of your own. Custom header image design services are available, as are custom XHTML/CSS design services. Contact me for more information.

Good luck with your new website!

site info

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Design by: Andreas Viklund